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Saturday 30 May 2020



The oxygen of freedom is no longer available to us as Black Humans/Africans…….. Kayode Gomes
It is a state of emergency for all black people all around the world as the pandemic of racism and our inferiority complex dominated by white supremacy has reached its peak.

“When black folk say “Black Lives Matter,” they are in search of simple recognition. That they are decent human beings, that they aren’t likely to commit crimes, that they’re reasonably smart. That they’re no more evil than the next person, that they’re willing to work hard to get ahead, that they love their kids and want them to do better than they did. That they are loving and kind and compassionate. And that they should be treated with the same respect that the average, nondescript, unexceptional white male routinely receives without fanfare or the expectation of”

Human lives matter!
Black lives matter!
Humanity is for all!

We are no threat, we are no animals, we are sensitive, we are human, we have dignity and deserve respect as human beings.
The countries and leaders that represent us as black people and African descendants have failed us.

We can not breath! We are oppressed! We are being used! We are being suppressed!
Enough is Enough. Where there is no equality, there is always no Justice and there will be no Peace.

“I think that change happens, typically not because somebody on high decides that it’s going to happen, but rather because at a grassroots level enough people come together that they force the system to change.”.... Barack Obama

It is time to rise up against oppression, it is time to rise up against inequality, it is time to rise up against bad leadership, it is time to seek justice and peace. It is time to unite. 
I speak to all black people and African descends around the world to rise and fight for your right. 
Unity is the key to our liberation…..The time is now!

In memory of George Floyd, others before him and all black people that have been denied the rights to life & justice.



  1. The course of the situation can only be changed if we all come together even if you are not affected directly or indirectly with one strong voice to say enough is enough. Life matters not only for the few that are privilege but regardless of your race, faith, colour of your skin or social status.
