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Tuesday 12 December 2017

Ending HIV/AIDS in Africa

Interfaith Diversity Network of West Africa has issued a statement during the 19th Session of the ICASA conference in Cote D’ivoire sincerely thanking African Government for the commitment towards Ending HIV/AIDS in Africa.

IDNOWA said; We thank the government of Cote D’voire for hosting the conference successfully. We also thank our governments for the opportunity to connect activists, HIV experts and those infected and affected by HIV to learn and share!
Our Network is a regional network of activists, faith based individuals, advocates and individual activists working for inclusion of diverse persons to create a world governed by respect and dignity. We seek a day where all persons irrespective of religious beliefs become great allies in the quest for a safe and free society for all humans.
We acknowledge the lofty roles played by development partners, researchers, individuals and actors in different fields towards ending the impact of HIV and AIDs especially in West Africa.
We commend countries and institutions that have realised the role faith based groups and individuals play and can play towards ending HIV and AIDS considering the strategic position faith groups occupy.
We however bring governments attention to the critical role faith based groups can play if HIV is to become history in Africa!

- There is an urgent need to support the role of faith based groups and individuals in the planning and implementation of HIV and AIDS interventions in our countries to ensure uptake by service recipients.
- There are myths and stereotypes around HIV and the mode of infection-the role of faith based groups who have large followership is critical in demystifying this situation especially in the fight to end new HIV infections.
- Faith based groups have a critical role to play in supporting HIV programming including condom promotion and integration of HIV services and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Services.
- There should be collaborations between faith based agencies and governments towards ending stigma and discrimination which fuels non-disclosure and poor service uptake.
- Governments should partner with faith based groups to end all forms of compulsory HIV testing as required by some faith based groups.
- Faith based groups have a role to play in demanding removal of barriers such as punitive laws that affect uptake of HIV/AIDS services.
- Faith based groups have a role to play in ensuring that quality and people friendly services are provided in a friendly and non-judgmental environment.
- Finally relevant government agencies should ensure robust involvement of faith based groups to understand the various means of contracting HIV and promote messages of love and peace amongst faith based groups and individuals around the West Africa sub-region

Signed: Davis Mac-Iyalla
Executive Director
Interfaith Diversity Network of West Africa (IDNOWA)

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Power of the P.U.S.S.Y

Power exercised by women; specifically a woman's use of her sexual allure or femininity in order to exert influence over men.
{Oxford Dictionary “Origin: 1960s; earliest use found in Eldridge Cleaver (1935–1998), social activist and writer”}.
Power of the pussy is an extract from a recent academic research interview i conducted for Leeds University, UK with Jessica Burton, a trans from Jamaica residing in the Netherlands.

In her words; “ Women are often forced underground, they say it’s men’s world.  However, over the years women have lost the touch of arranging, balancing, centering their vagina and reaching into their inner sole.  The value of women has broken down even for marginalized women such as transgender, transsexuals and intersex persons. Women come in all size, shade, color, race, class, status and capacity. Around the world trans women are not classify as women, because they don’t have a physical vagina, but the question is; does a physical vagina make you a woman?”
A famous singer Helen Reddy; “Yes I pay the price, but look how much I gain, if you ask me, I can do anything, I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman”.  

Well, I find this topic fascinating as it has broad meaning and cuts across different understanding of how we see a woman or girlchild. Overtime, many families and society have neglected the importance of a girl child and the strength of a woman. Some women themselves have lost the value and understanding of being a woman. They have centred their virgina for wrong reasons forgetting how powerful they are as women. Parents and communities have demoralised the girl child making her belief she belongs to the kitchen and bedroom. So sad that these ideologies and interpretations of who a woman should be have caused major setback in families and society at large.
Empowering one woman is empowering a nation. Women need to begin to realise their strength in a world where they seem to be oppressed by wrong policies and tradition. We need to realise that women are not second class but first class in the real sense of it because without a woman there is no man. The society should understand that the strength of a woman is inevitable in the world we live.
Some women know their strength and worth, while some have centred their senses around using what they have to get what they want by using their virgina wrongly and some have labelled themselves slay queens instead of virtuous queens. Do not allow the society determine who you should be as a woman. And take note; the society begins within the family.

The Power of the P.U.S.S.Y is a project conducted by Jessica for Trans, Transsexuals and Intersex/sex-workers which is a combination of therapeutic and theoretical method of centering your mental vagina and allow things to fall in place.

A popular quote says; “What a man can do a woman can do better”.
We can not do without women, through them we came, they rule our world whether you agree or not. You can not overrule the strength of a woman, you can not put aside the importance of a girl child.

The power of the PUSSY is inevitable!

Sunday 17 September 2017

Religion is EVIL!

Human race is harmed with religion poisoned by prejudice and absolutely frantic with hatred and fear……Kayode Gomes

Often times we mistake religion for Godliness/Spirituality. We have misplaced the value of religion into an instrument of hate and chaos.

Religion has lots of definition among which it could be a belief and worship of a supernatural controlling power. It is also defined as a system of faith and worship. Another definition says it is a way of life committed to by monks and nuns. It is a practice in which someone or some group is seriously devoted. It is also said to be faithfulness to a given principle. Consequently, religion has become the root of evil to mankind. Since the creation of man , the cause of war is the different ideology about religion which is also intertwined with culture and traditional belief. Fortunately, if we actually want to follow God’s principles, we will discover that all faith/belief is same . But the system/institute called religion has brought misconception which makes people interpret spirituality as religion, thereby making them devoted to evil ideology.

In all the spiritual book and holy books I have read; I’ve been privileged to read both Holy  Quran and Holy Bible, it is simply the same thing and the same God, just a different way/style of worship. But some hypocrites and fanatics will bring down the world in other to make a point or just to have excuses to cause calamity. No part of the holy books promote hatred, war, or any form of evil we experience in the name of religion. I’m worried about how so many will end up in hell in the bid of pursuit to heaven. Among every saint there are millions of sinners. Funny enough, those sinners are mostly the ones that claim to be righteous and know it all. It is sad that we lost innocent souls everyday around the world because of religion, we deceive people, preach hate, promote terrorism, make others feel less or not worthy because of religion. Even brothers and sisters cannot live in peace because they have different ideology on religion.Previous generations and present generation is polluted with hatred and I hope we can make it right for the next generations to come.

I don’t blame people who don’t believe in religion, neither believe God exist because some of us do not want to be part of an institution or system that causes chaos and calamity for generations. However, knowing God and connecting to him is a personal decision.

In my opinion, Godliness and Spirituality has nothing to do with religion. Religion is institutionalized with human made doctrines and agenda of its own. Religion exploits and blackmail, it preaches hate and in-equality. Religion is just a system structured by human and most times for selfish interest. In whatever you belief in, the fact still remains; there is only one God. He created everything including you and whatever you become in life. Miracles happen because we have faith, we are blessed because God already said so. He has given us power to make wealth, he blessed us even before our existence, he says we should live in peace and harmony, he says we shouldn’t judge others.  Don’t be deceived by religion, don’t let anyone deceive you of  fighting for God, there are no virgins in heaven even if you kill millions of people in the name of Islam.  

One of the problem with religion is human, when something is intended to be potentially beautiful, we turn it ugly for selfish interest. As religion seem to be one of the major problem in the world today in every facet of life, I hope we can work towards better generations where we can accept, tolerate, embrace, respect one another and live in harmony.

Friday 25 August 2017


Dorothy, a strong feminist from north central Nigeria speaks on her passion as an advocate using pleasure as a strategy. She explains her struggles and dedication;
"I was a victim of differential treatment as a child. I fought my way through it to get the same educational opportunities as my male siblings. I fought my way over dress codes within the family. I was always defending myself and got physical beatings regularly for asserting myself. I grew up with the capability of spotting the difference in how people were treated. I analysed the socio-political contexts that I lived in and was always aware of inequality, particularly between men and women. Working with a women’s health organisation helped me to organise my thoughts and contextualise my response. It also helped me to institutionalise my response and helped me to expand my analysis and scope of engagement beyond me and my friends to the broader society. I call myself a feminist because I am able to challenge situations of inequality, and design and implement interventions to bring about change. Integrity, diversity and choice are the values that I hold dear. I have been part of the group of feminists and human rights activists who have worked to shift the paradigm of “sexual reproductive health rights”; two separate but related focuses on sexual health and rights and reproductive health and rights.
I have advocated over the years for attention to and respect for sexual rights, especially for sexual minorities. I have also been part of the movement to shift a focus from pathology in dealing with sexual health, to a focus on rights. I am vocal about the need to use sexual pleasure as an entry point for addressing women’s health and rights issues. We need to place the positive aspects of sex and sexuality at the centre of our interventions, and not just try and make people change their behaviour out of fear. In my work I continue to train and advocate at a community level and around Nigerian government policies, and I’m also part of activist networks that are pushing for the respect of sexual and human rights of sexual minorities at the United Nations and in the African regional level. I am motivated to make a difference. In my view the more orgasms that are out there, under conditions that are safe and respectful of rights, the more motivated I am to continue my work, and inspired that change is in fact happening".

Originally published by; African Feminist Forum

Thursday 20 July 2017


Defending others can be a fulfillment of purpose to save lives and promote human rights; Recently it has become dangerous, risky, stigmatizing and discriminating….

Someone whom i thought should defend me even when the world turns against me said to me; I won’t be surprise if I find out tomorrow you are gay, because you are already beginning to act like it”. Only because I said whoever is not comfortable with the work I do should give me alternatives or shut up! 
The statement came as shock, not because I have not heard worse or had worse experience more than just statements, but I was shocked because of whom it came from. And no alternatives can be better than serving humanity.

Without self exemption, so many human rights defenders have suffered and still suffering persecution, hate, stigma and discrimination just because we speak for vulnerable and marginalized groups, worst of all LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex). And I begin to wonder, what is so special about being LGBTI or defending LGBTI. One major reason why there are so much activism around this area is because there are actions and bad laws that violate people’s rights. The society use the opportunity to preach hate, blackmail, crucify, persecute and discriminate loving people only because of their sexual orientation. They use religion and culture as basis for argument. News flash! LGBT persons are not aliens; they live among us, they hold reputable positions in the world, they are politicians, celebrities, husbands, wives, parents, you celebrate them, some are even your role models, they preach and pray on pulpit, people fall under anointing when they speak and lead worship songs in church, they lead prayers in mosque, they represent family and friends you have. A saying says; “when throwing a stone in the market, be careful because you don’t know if it will hit one of yours”.

Coming back to defending others; I have had terrible experiences just because I’m an activist saving lives and promoting human rights. I have been arrested, I have lost friends and colleagues, I have heard things and answered strange questions. People will ask me; “if you are not one of them, why defending them?” Worst of all, my Mum once threaten to disown me if I continue to defend the rights of LGBT. They say; “God is not happy with me”.....Lol! the last time I checked, God has been my pillar and source.

There is no joy more than I’m fulfilled saving lives and promoting human rights. I don’t have to be gay to defend LGBT rights. No one ever asked me why I defend or address issues affecting other marginalized groups such as; PwD (People with Disability, SW (Sex Workers), PLwHIV (People Living with HIV/AIDS) and so on…. So why attach so much importance, hate and stigma to sexual minorities.

By the way; who is the sinner and who is committing crime? Is it the person who is passionate, happy and in love with his/her life or the person that save lives and promote human rights or you that preach hate, condemn, judge and crucify others.

Only hypocrites think some group of people are less human…..what makes you better?

Saturday 22 April 2017


Often times we associate Sexual violence to just assault and rape. On the contrary, it is a broad and complex issue. We are either victims or perpetrators of this human degrading act.

I'm a victim of sexual violence and never thought I had prerogative to shame and attack people who tried to make light of tragedy. To all victims like me, we are strongest when we raise our voices together. We must continue to speak up against rape and sexual violence against children. Not everyone turns out to be strong like us……………... Vina Theo-Adams

Sexual Violence is to obtain sexual act by violence or coercion, acts to traffic a person or acts directed against a person's sexuality, regardless of the relationship to the victim.

Sexual Abuse; is an unwanted sexual activity with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent, especially minors in most cases.
Sexual Exploitation; is the act of sexual abuse through the exchange of sex for appointments, privileges, promotion, drugs, food, shelter, protection, other basics of life, including money.
Sexual Assault/Rape; is a form of sexual violence, and it includes rape (such as forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration or drug facilitated sexual assault), groping, child sexual abuse, or the torture of the person in a sexual manner.
Sexual Harassment; is persistent and unwanted sexual advances, typically in the workplace where the consequences of refusing are potentially very disadvantageous to the victim.
Stalking; is unwanted or obsessive attention by an individual towards another person. It is a behavior related to harassment and intimidation, a pattern of behavior that makes you feel afraid, nervous, harassed, or in danger, it is when someone repeatedly contacts you, follows you, sends you messages or sexual images. Stalking becomes sexual harassment when the perpetrator is persistently after the other person for sexual reasons.
Trafficking; is an illegal sex deal or trade, most times against the subject or victim’s will. In fact in most cases under durex and stringent conditions.
Indecent Exposure; is a deliberate act in the 21st century, it is the exposure of sensitive part of the body in public or in view of the general public by a person who has no respect for a portion or portions of his or her body, especially in circumstances where the exposure is contrary to local moral or other standards of appropriate behavior.
Degrading Sexual Imagery; Sexually provocative or erotic imagery (or sounds, suggestions, and subliminal messages) that are specifically designed to arouse interest for sex, brand or services.
Voyeurism; is the practice of gaining sexual pleasure from watching others when they are naked or engaged in sexual activity.
Cyber Harassment; It is generally understood to be the use of the Internet or other electronic means to harass an individual, a form of cyberbullying it may include false accusations, defamation, slander, libel and solicitation for sex. It also involves gathering information that may be used to threaten, embarrass or harass.

With the above forms of sexual violence, you will agree with me that it is a broad issue that needs to be addressed at all level and if we respect human dignity then we must put a stop or mitigate these inhuman acts. One way or the other, we are all playing a role as perpetrators or victims, either as an individual, company, organization or group.

April is marked “Sexual Assault Awareness” month. The theme for this year is “Engaging New Voices”. It seeks to create public awareness on the menace of sexual violence in the society and world at large.
In marking this year’s Sexual Assault Awareness; Fresh Life Care Foundation in collaboration with 98 Works and Love Planet International Foundation, will be focusing more on sensitizing Parents and Children on the existing sexual assault in our homes and communities. There is urgent need to prevent these menace and encourage victims to speak out.
Children are more on the receiving end. Parents aren't paying attention, some are too busy to even notice that their kids are assaulted daily. Others pretend not to know because the perpetrator is either their brother, sister, husband or boyfriend.
Boys are also at disadvantage, the society and cultural stigma precludes them from speaking out because they are considered weaklings and something that shouldn't be spoken or heard. Boys are assaulted by both men and women as well as women likewise.

Say No To Rape!
Say No To Abuse!
Let Us Stand For What Is Right!
…………………...Victor Akra

Sexual Violence is harmful, degrading and causes depression!
Don’t be a victim, support those that are already victims.
Avoid being a perpetrator and fight against it.

Monday 13 March 2017


Freedom is the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants. We do have freedom of choice, right to, entitlement to, privileges. Freedom is a state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. It is called liberty, liberation, release, emancipation, deliverance, delivery, discharge, non-confinement, extrication, amnesty, pardoning. Everyone is entitled to freedom, regardless; age, religion, gender, sexual orientation, social class, complexion, race, disability and so on. Freedom is for all…….Stitching Out en Proud Netherlands

Freedom begins from within. You are in control of your body, of the situation & people around you. Don't give power to what is happening around or with you. Rise above the challenge because you are not what the world or people think about you but you are what you think about yourself. When you tell yourself;
I am….. then you are!
I can.... then you can!
I will.....then you will!
The power  is in you and not with the people & not with your environment. Just believe in yourself. Free yourself from mental slavery because it leads to depression and depression is suicidal………Love Planet International Foundation

Freedom is Life Style, it is the oxygen of the soul, the reason why we all exist. The air we breathe is given freely, our existence is free. Don’t allow your mind or bad policies limit you. Recently, Nigerian police had put out a notification termed; “Cyber Crime” to take action on anyone or group that writes or forward any article/message on political & religious issues, especially if it is against the Nigerian Government or President. Democracy is now an offence in a “democratic system”. In fact arrest without warrant has been issued on anyone caught. Rights to freedom of expression is taken away, What happened to freedom of information act? Are Nigerians now subjected to modern day  slavery in their own country? We have the freedom to speak and choose what is best for us, we refuse to be subjected to slavery & bully system……..Coalition for the Defense of Sexual Rights

The   rainbow we see are many colors, and we know they all came from one source,” Hate is an inability to accept the other. We have all felt what it’s like to be different.” Embrace diversity and equality.  Choose love over hate!......Interfaith Diversity Network of West Africa.

We join the #World #CNN #EDOF in celebrating #MyFreedomDay!

Wednesday 1 March 2017


Living in past glory; Nigeria has lost her greatness, she has failed many generations. A nation blessed with resources, talents, cultural values, diversity and true spirituality has now become worse than opposite of what it’s meant to be. We have elected selfish, greedy, evil and illiterate leaders, we follow them ignorantly, hypocritically, patiently and in fear.
In Nigeria, Human life is not valued, Human rights and dignity are not respected, No basic amenities of life; power supply, water, good road, security are all the things that we should enjoy as citizens, No tax system in place because even when you pay tax as abiding citizen it goes to one criminal’s pocket. Nigerian leaders are armed with pen to rob and steal from the common man. They speak Market English during campaign and suddenly begin to speak Grammar (Queens English) when they get into office. They forget the market woman and common man that stood for hours and days under the rain & sun to vote them into office. Money and Power is the heart desire of most Nigerian leaders. They kill and use people’s destiny to get what they want and maintain it. They sponsor their children in expensive schools abroad and cannot allow the common man’s child enjoy basic education in Nigeria. They steal what belongs to the people to invest in their own family and generation. Statistic have shown that the most expensive properties in Dubai, South Africa and many more countries are owned by affluent Nigerians especially the so called Nigerian leaders. They are criminals that get protected by security agents and bodyguards. A common local government chairman moves around with security men blowing siren everywhere causing public nuisance & disturbance. A police or even military officer can shoot you for not giving him N50 ($0.10) at check points, would you blame them? They can hardly feed their family nor pay bills after salary as earnings cannot pay bills. A man from the slums becomes a billionaire over night just because he has been elected by ignorant or hypocrite Nigerians, whom he later neglects.
The problem with we Nigerians is that we are either ignorant, patient, scared or hypocrites. As Nigerians, we belong to any of these categories. Because how can we keep recycling same set of evil and selfish leaders for decades. The same thing my parents and teachers told me when I was in Nursery is the same thing I tell my children after 30years; “Nigeria will get better, you are the leaders of tomorrow” all those hopeful unrealistic statement in Nigeria’s context. (Story for the gods). The same set of gray headed men are still the one ruling us for decades and we think Nigeria can ever get better? Impossible! The religious and cultural values that should have been our saving grace is even worse than the government itself. Not a discussion in this topic but so sad how we use religion to milk people who can barely have a decent meal while the religious leaders live an extravagant life and establish schools even the church members cannot afford. Yet when people complain, they send affliction on them and say is the wrought of God. “God is not a wicked God”. In the Name of religion they stand on pulpit to criminalize and discriminate minority groups using their messages to preach hate when they are suppose to use their influence and knowledge to reinstate sanity in the mind of those evil politicians, they act hypocritically for what they will get in return. “Discussion for next time”….
Nigeria needs to be reformed, else it can never get better. All those evil criminal leaders need to be flushed away and prosecuted. Only in Nigeria we celebrate a famous criminal and prosecute an innocent, hungry citizen. People are been discriminated and criminalized because they fall in love. Please how does this affect the economy of a nation? Instead of facing what affects the nation they are busy violating people’s rights. Yet the same set of lawmakers implementing the laws into the system are the one practicing what they fight against… “hypocrites”. They have same sex affairs and assault their children’s mates because they have the money to throw around and power to protect their image and act.
No one is ready to face the risk of doing what is right by telling these evil leaders of their wrong, no one is ready to sacrifice for next generation, only what they will eat today. “enough is enough”.  The nations we envy today were structured that way because of what previous generations have put in place for them and that’s the legacy they promote. Human rights and life is valued and respected in such countries. But our beloved Nigeria is the opposite, jungle justice, unlawful arrest, corruption, evil is the order of the day. They starve people, persecute innocent people and celebrate the criminals and perpetrators. They steal people’s destiny and generational benefits and give them p-nuts in return. Nigeria is so messed up that there are no constructive words to illustrate. There is no comprehensive way to express my grieve. An average Nigerian girl survive through sex work, even education, skills, innovation and talent cannot create opportunities if you don’t pay dues. You must settle or pay something in return before you get what you professionally earned.  We call the criminals the heroes. When one person decides to be good, they eliminate the person. The president spends millions every now and then flying abroad for medical care, yet he can’t use that same resources to establish equipped health facilities in Nigeria.
Current situation in Nigeria; No value for human life, No Human Rights, No Health insurance or equipped health facilities, No power supply, No food nor clean water, Bad road, insecurity, corruption and evil everywhere. The tribes and religion can barely stand each other. Ritualist have faces but can never be arrested, yet they murder people to make wealth.  Worst of all, presently we have a president too sick to rule, too greedy to resign and no one is answering our questions. Nigerians kill those they should defend and defend those they should kill and put behind bars. They travel abroad for parties and throw bundles of foreign currency around, lavish money on young “slay queens” around the world, build mansion and sleep in only one bed, Own 20 exotic cars in their garage and drive only one, own private jets and pay for space at the airport every hour the jet spends on ground. They will kill anyone that stands in their way for power and money. Everything is wrong with Nigeria right from foundation, Nigeria is not matured enough to be independent, Too large a country for one man to lead. Nigeria is at war with itself. Everything about Nigeria is corruption. no rule of  law, no reliable judicial system.
What an ironic situation… I tremble and cry for fear of the future of Nigeria!
Stop criminalizing, arresting, prosecuting and threatening people speaking out because we speak for the Voiceless and our Rights. We need REALISTIC CHANGE! We need a reformed nation, respect human rights system and value for life. We no longer want people older than Nigeria to rule. We want young, vibrant individuals with integrity and accountability to take over. Enough of the gambling  and recycling of power. Don’t push people to rebel, because if that happens we all lose. “As it is, that seem to be the only way Nigeria can get better”. Maybe through dialogue, understanding and willingness to make things better… “I doubt”. Prayer for Nigeria no longer work because we don’t focus and take the right action. Stop troubling God with prayers over Nigeria. The change begins with you. Do what is right, know your rights. Fight against injustice and corruption, stop being hypocritical, standup and unite, embrace positive and realistic change. Criminalize and prosecute the corrupt leaders and not innocent souls….